Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh my god.

I received a reply from one of the schools I applied to. I didn't expect it to be so fast. And guess what? I've been accepted into Otis College of Art and Design! Seriously?! I was prepared to be rejected by all my schools. Wow. I'm just overwhelmed by this. FYI: Monique Lhuillier is an Otis graduate.

For the first time, I don't know what else to say.


Sue Maberry said...

Congratulations on being accepted to Otis.

I'm the Librarian at Otis and I'm very interested in how students use blogs and other social networking tools. So, I was happy when your blog showed up in my Google alerts.

I look forward to meeting you when you start school.

Sue Maberry

angesil said...

hahaha. yilin darling, congrats congrats congrats! btw, which country is Otis in? pardon me for being a dum-dum =D haha. i'm so excited for u. wheeeeeeeeee!~~~~~~~~~~~~